When did you decide that a career in music was for you?
I’ve known since I was a small child that I wanted to be a singer. I actually started out by pursuing a career in musical theatre, and when I was 18 I moved away from home to study musical theatre in Toronto at the Randolph College for the Performing Arts. My career goals shifted in my early twenties when I began to fall in love with guitar and songwriting.
Who are your musical inspirations and why?
As an artist who plays guitar, I tend to be inspired by other female artists who sing and play guitar. I’ve been listening to H.E.R. a lot lately. She plays super badass guitar solos when performing live, which I quite enjoy. Also, Lianne La Havas is an incredible talent. She’s a wicked guitar player and has a really unique sound. I love how she fuses jazz with soul and rock.
Can you tell me 3 things about yourself that people might not already know?
I’m vegan. I’m an early riser – I get up every morning before 6am. Also, when I was 22 years-old, I was diagnosed with Lupus (an autoimmune disease). Before the diagnosis, I was young and carefree. I felt like I had my whole life ahead of me. To have received such a life-altering diagnosis at that age was truly devastating. As difficult as this time was, it really inspired me to pursue songwriting and it has become my solace — a way to vent my pain, both physical and emotional. I believe that my lived experience with Lupus pushes me to give everything to my songwriting. As a dedicated advocate for people living with disabilities, I always aim to inspire other artists with disabilities to pursue their dreams.
What song of yours best describes you and why?
Well, as I’ve just released my debut single, I only have one song to choose from. That said, “Self-Conscious” is essentially me in a nutshell. I can be very introverted and certain social interactions make me feel self-conscious. It’s a universal feeling that I think everyone can relate to, and not just in a romantic context. But for introverts like me, I think the lyrics especially ring true.
What has been your best achievement to date and what would you like to achieve in the future?
With the recent release of my debut single “Self-Conscious,” I can proudly say that I’m not just a singer, I’m also a producer. I’ve dedicated the last several years to improving my music skills and learning how to produce and mix. I produced, mixed and played all the instruments on “Self-Conscious!” While this is only the beginning, my debut single signifies a major achievement and milestone in my artistic journey. For the near future, I want to keep releasing music. I have a lot of new music lined up for 2024 and I can’t wait to continue leaving my mark, not only as an artist, but a producer as well.
What do you like best about being a musician and why?
For me, singing and songwriting has always been a source of inspiration and healing, but what I like best about being a musician is seeing the impact of my music on others. There’s a magical thing that happens during a live performance, when my audience and I start to click. That emotional connection that happens through music is so powerful. When I can feel that my music is moving someone else, that’s when I’m reminded that this crazy and challenging job of being a musician is 100% worth it.
If you were not in the job you are now what would you be doing?
This question mistakenly assumes that independent musicians don’t have day jobs or careers outside of music. While I don’t have to imagine what else I would be doing – I do have a career outside music – but I’m not really at liberty to discuss it here.
What would you say is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
To help build self-esteem, someone once suggested that I start using positive affirmations. As an artist in the age of social media, I find it hard not to compare myself to others. This can often lead to feeling like I’m not good enough. There’s a relief that comes from not looking outward to define success, but instead, looking inward to realize that you already have everything you need. Over the years, I’ve used the affirmation “I am enough” to remind myself that I am worthy of success.
What things make you happy and what things annoy you?
Oat milk lattes make me happy. Leaf blowers boggle my mind. They are sound and environmental polluters. How are we still using these unfortunate contraptions in 2024?
What things do you like to do when you are away from music?
I’ve been dancing since I was a kid, so I really enjoy taking ballet class. There’s something about the familiar structure and routine of a ballet class that I find comforting. It’s also a great way to get exercise while still being creative.
Do you think social media and the internet are a good thing in the music industry?
I have mixed thoughts on this. Some claim that social media has democratized the music industry by removing gatekeepers and allowing for independent artists to get discovered on their own. While in some cases this may be true, I don’t generally agree with this view. A lot of the music that we see “trending” on social media has a large team and budget behind it. What pleases the algorithm is often contrived and clever marketing disguised as art. Moreover, not every artist has the time or financial backing to dedicate their lives to posting on TikTok 3 times per day until they “go viral.” So, the barriers and gatekeepers may look different, but essentially are still there. I also worry that the intense demand to constantly create and post social media content places an unhealthy burden on artists, which can have negative mental health impacts. Social media often detracts from the music itself, which is sad.
How important do you think your look and image is when it comes to being in the music industry?
I think looks and image are still important in the music industry, but not in the same way that they were, for example, 10 years ago. To be a successful artist, you often have to approach things in a business sense. Like any business, having a strong look or brand that people recognize and resonate with will serve as an advantage. While there’s still a lot of pressure for female artists in particular to look a certain way, I feel that slowly the industry is starting to shift. I think it’s doing this by embracing diversity and prioritizing those boring and sexist ideals of the past less and less.
Can you tell us about any tattoos you have and the significance of them to you?
I only have one tattoo. It’s on my ribs and I got it when I was 22 years-old. It says “Trouble.” While this sounds like a pretty trashy tattoo, I actually got it because, at the time, I was obsessed with Ray LaMontagne’s album, ‘Trouble.’ My friend really loved the album too, so one day we spontaneously went out together and got matching trouble tattoos. Would I do it all over again? Probably not.
If you run the country for a day what would you change about it and why?
While universal pharmacare and electoral reform would be nice, I suspect that in government not much would be accomplished in a single day.
If you could say one thing to your fans what would it be and why?
Thank you for all the love and support you’ve shown me during the release of my first single! This is such an exciting time, and I can’t wait to share more music with you over the coming months.
How would you answer the question - Who is Enyonam and what are the differences between you as a music artist and you away from music?
Enyonam is no different from the person I am away from music. I always bring my whole and authentic self to my art. One side of me that may not always show when I’m Enyonam, however, is my shy and introverted side. This is something that I explore in my song “Self-Conscious.”
What was the first record or song you purchased and why?
Thank you for this question – I’m going to date myself. Pretty sure my first record was a ‘Dance Mix ‘96’ CD. Yes, a compilation CD of dance music from 1996. I was just a kid.
What would you say to someone thinking about becoming a musician and getting into the music industry?
Run! Haha. No, just kidding. I would say that you should pursue your passion. A career in music can be incredibly rewarding but also challenging. That’s why I think it’s so important to educate yourself about what a career in music actually entails. Being a musician is a lot of hard work and not as glamorous as people may think. There may also be certain roles within the music industry that you would really enjoy, aside from being an “artist.” So, again, it’s a good idea to educate yourself and see what possibilities are out there. That way you can make sure that you’re setting career goals that really align with your values and interests.
What has the rest of the year got in store for you?
This is a really exciting time for me. Now, after releasing my debut single on April 5th, I’m looking forward to releasing more music so that I can deepen my relationship with fans. I have a series of singles that I’ll be releasing throughout this year. Some that I produced, and others that are collaborations. My next single that I’m releasing is called “Blind.” It’s a sultry pop/R&B track about love and betrayal. I made it with the incredibly talented Iranian producer Homayoun Sehat. I loved how the song turned out so much that I also produced an acoustic version. So, I will be releasing both versions over the coming months. To stay up to date on all the fun things I have in store for 2024, don’t forget to check out my website and follow me on social media!