Caleb Miller

When did you decide that a career in music was for you?
I was set on doing music as a career at an early age. I began playing guitar at the age of 4 with the help of my Dad teaching me along the way. That quickly turned into playing bars gigs every weekend by the age of 12. Around that time, I realized that playing music is all I want to do in life and that I wanted to pursue it professionally. I moved to Nashville at 17 and have been playing professionally since then.
Who are your musical inspirations and why?
I started playing guitar by imitating rock greats such as KISS and Guns ‘N’ Roses. That obsession with the guitar introduced me to guys like Brad Paisley and Keith Urban, who got me into country music. Their intricate and flashy playing caught my attention and drove me to get better. I feel like my playing is a great representation of the rock and country influences that I grew up on.
What has been your best achievement to date and what would you like to achieve in the future?
A big milestone of mine was officially becoming a Paul Reed Smith endorsed artist. I’ve played their guitars for most of my life and have such a passion for the craftsmanship and performance of their guitars. I’d love to work with PRS to build a “Caleb Miller” signature guitar one day.
What do you like best about being a musician and why?
I love creating music that people can relate and connect to. As a music fan, I know the feeling of turning on a great song and feeling completely captivated by it. Giving that feeling to others is the reason I make music.
What would your ideal festival line up be and why?
KISS, Jason Aldean, Motley Crue and Keith Urban… with myself on guitar the entire night!
What things make you happy?
When being a musician gets discouraging, my hope in Jesus always brings me joy. I realize that He has a plan for my life and total surrender to his plan alleviates all fear.